1000 Questions For Couples How important do you rate communication in a relationship, or a marriage? If this is not number one on your list, it is very possible that you and your partner will not make it together, forever. There are questions to ask before ending a relationship. Actually, the questions should be asked at the start of your relationship. It has been estimated that 83% of divorces would not take place if couples asked each other the right questions while they were still dating, and more importantly after they were married. And it’s sad to say, but a true fact that if the correct questions were asked while dating, there never would have been a marriage to begin with. You could have been on your way to the person you were truly compatible with a lot sooner. How compatible are you and the person you are with? How are you going to find this out? Just because you have a few things in common, like the same type of foods, and music does not mean that you can have a lifetime future together. Do you know why your mate does or doesn’t attend church? Do you know how they really think about the way you dress, the people you associate with, or your political views? It’s simply called “getting to know one another”. Why do you think over half of all marriages end in divorce? Couples use the excuse “you’ve changed”, when really they never took the time to get to know each other in the first place. If you have run in to any of these same problems, then I would recommend to you 1000 Questions For Couples. You will find hundreds of fun “getting to know you” questions in 1000 Questions For Couples, but there are also important questions that most people don’t bother to ask, or even think of asking. But they are absolutely necessary if you want to stand a better chance at a happy relationship. After going through the questions, you will discover what all irritates your partner, what makes them blue, and what things your sweetheart is passionate about. You need to get to know all sides of your special someone, and decide if that person then is right for you, your values and your beliefs. If you and your partner answer all the questions found in 1000 Questions For Couples, I guarantee that you will know each other better than 99% of all couples on the face of the earth. Your relationship should be worth the time it will take to really get to know them. Simply ask the 1000 Questions For Couples at the start of your relationship, and there will be no need for questions to ask before ending a relationship.

dating secrets

Understanding Women In Relationships

Relationship Problem Advice

Relationship Information Online

Signs Of An Unhealthy Relationship

Wedding Night Lovemaking

Relationship Predictions

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Now that you have discovered how important communication is to a good relationship check out 1000 Questions For Couples today!. Read more about other relationship tools here.